
Thursday, 20 August 2015


How to reference 

 Markle Sandra. , (2003), Pre, Schoolastic: New York

3D Shapes

I went on Digistore I learnt how many faces there is in a 3D shape. First I had to do predicting face. I had to predict how many faces there are in that shape. The next step was to was to colour every side the same except the bottom it had to be a different colour. The next one was a bit different I could only paint some colours.

Friday, 7 August 2015

The part adder - Make your own hard sums

In this photo I used the rounding strategy by adding 2 onto 48 and 1 onto 49 to make it 50 + 50 then - 2 and 1 to end up with 97.

In this photo I used the Spliting strategy by taking away 7 from 48 and added 41 and 49 to make 90 then I added 7 to end up with 97. 

In this photo I use the rounding strategy by adding 1 to 49 to make 50 then + the 48 and the 50 to make 98 then I toke away 1 to make 97.

Tiava and Sylis helped me to find 3 different ways to solve 48 + 49 on the Part adder - Make your own hard sums.