
Monday 10 October 2016

Leadership word cloud

This is my word cloud on leadership. The Yr7's had to make a word cloud. We had to write the quality words of a leader. We also had to write the names of a leader, it could either be a world famous leader or a leader that you know. We are doing this to be ready to become a leader next year because we are going to be Yr 8. Being a leader is important. You don't have to be perfect to be a leader, because everyone makes mistakes. 


  1. I really like your word cloud - Looking forward to seeing you in year 8 next year.

  2. Hi Ohhsen
    It is great to know that you have been learning and preparing to be a good yr 8 student leader next year. I liked it how you put all the words that explain what leaders are into a tree shape. I Hope you become an awesome yr 8 leader next year.
    Keep up the good work!!
