
Sunday 19 February 2017

CARE Award, Excellence and Innovation: Research a New Zealander Showing Excellence and Innovation

For this activity I had to research a New Zealander who has showed Excellence and Innovation. I chose Sir Edmund Hillary. He has done a lot of great things. He has also faced some difficulties but still moved on. In the DLO I have written a lot of things about him. I think he was a great person and think he should be remembered.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Oh Hsen
    Probably the first time commenting on a PBS blog ( Without a being a PBS student). Excellent work on creating a DLO about your Excellence & Innovation task. You mainly focused on Sir. Edmund Hillary and his challenges in his lifetime. Great job keeping consistent since the Christmas holidays. Wish you good luck as a Year 8!
    -Pote Aholelei
