Athletics day was over very quickly. Our last activity was sprints. I was very excited because I am good at running. It started from Yr 0 to Yr 8. People were going very fast. When it was Yr 5 boys turn they ran like the wind. Sam was running his fastest and his feet were moving like flash. I wasn't sure who won because they were running at supersonic speed. It was getting closer to our turn. I was a Yr 6. It was Yr 6 girls turn. This was going to be interesting. The girls boosted of like they had nitro. Mia was running her fast because when she came back she was puffing. The second race for the Yr six girls. Mia sprinted off and took fast small steps and won. It was finally Yr six boys turn. My heart was beating fast I started feeling nervous and I was worried that I would lose. Off we went I sprinted my hardest. Daniel caught up to me and we were coming a tie. I ran faster and beat him my feet were moving so fast. Finish. I had finished in first place. I was happy but it wasn't over yet. It was the Yr six boys seconds turn AJ and Shannon were so fast I didn't think I would win. The third race for the Yr six boys. The final people were Daniel, AJ, Shannon and me. Ms Kirkpatrick clapped the clapper and we ran AJ and Shannon already past me that quickly. Daniel was catching up. Daniel started slowing down and I started catching up to Shannon. The race finished. Aj came first. Shannon came second and I came third. I was really tired that day was really exhausted and tired. I went my fastest. I thing the Yr six boys ran faster than Usain Blot.
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