
Thursday 4 August 2016

HoverBike DLO

Sebastian and I did a DLO on advertising a hoverbike. We had to make a poster. So we made it small and portrait. First we had to design it in our book. We had to make people think like us. We needed to find a suitable image after that we had to attribute it. We also had to use persuasive language which was "BRINGING THE FUTURE TO YOU", YOU WILL BE ENVIED BY ALL YOUR FRIENDS, receive a 40% discount! before 15 August, LATEST TECHNOLOGY, 100% SAFE. From that we hope to convince people to buy it.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Oh Hsen. I can see clearly which persuasive language features you have used to hook your audience in but when I read your blurb I see that you have drawn our attention to them but haven't said which ones you used. Please reword your blurb so that it identifies the persuasive language features that you used. This will help your readers make a stronger connection to your task.
