
Thursday, 13 July 2017

Winter Learning Journey

For this winter Learning Journey activity I had to take a photo of myself doing something that I find relaxing. I have taken a photo of me watching YouTube.


  1. Hello Oh Hsen, I also find watching YouTube relaxing. I can't wait to see more fantastic posts. What is your favourite videos to watch on YouTube?

  2. Hi Oh hsen.
    That would be me after school each day, but for a LONG TIME! Thankfully that's not completely me anymore. Although this is a great job done.

    - Jack

  3. Hi Oh Hsen,
    I like that you find youtube relaxing. Nice Work!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello Oh hsen,
    I find watching Youtube relaxing too. I usually love listening to music, it's so calm and soothing. What other things do you find relaxing? Good job!

  6. Hi Oh Hsen!

    You have something in common with my friend! He loves watching YouTube to relax in his spare time too! He likes to look at all sorts of videos and likes learning new things from what he watches.

    I hope you have been doing some relaxing these holidays!

    Nicky :)

  7. Hi Oh Hsen
    I also like to watch Youtube, what do you like to watch on Youtube (Music, games, sport, news, movies)? Keep up the great work.

  8. Hi Oh Hsen Youtube is a really good idea because watching movies or video looks calm. My favorite thing is watching family movie in the dark. Great Job, Joshua V

  9. Hi Oh Hsen
    YouTube is not only a great way of relaxing but also spending time. Have you ever watched what seems like a few short videos and then looked at the time and iot says its been a few hours? I certainly have! Good job

  10. Hi Oh Hsen,

    My name is Lusia and i'm a year 8 student from St Pius X Catholic School! I truly appreciate the comments on my blog posts! I love how you took a picture of yourself playing tanki online! I used to play that long time ago! It's a cool game! Anyways have a outstanding Night!

