
Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Get Wise Yr7

Yesterday LS2 Yr7 went to Get Wise in the theatre. Our teacher was Jeremy. When we were in the theatre we learnt how to save money, we learnt it is very important to save money. Jeremy taught us that you can take money out of your bank account with your eftpos card, he said we needed a pin number in order to get money from your bank account. The pin number has to be 4 numbers but, it needed to be a really good pin number and that only you know. Jeremy said if you do chores and you get money for it that's a bonus, if you do chores and you don't get money you're a champion. He said there are going to be crossroads in our life you either choose the easy path or the hard path, if you choose the easy path you will have a very boring life. If you choose the hard path it gives you challenges to succeed. Jeremy taught us many different ways to earn and save money. We learnt that if you save money and put it in your bank account you get interest (free money from the bank). We learnt a lot of stuff, Jeremy taught us that you have to spend some on you and save some too, we also learnt rush to your needs but wait for your wants. Those two sentences are really important that way you can save a lot of money.  

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