
Sunday, 25 December 2016

Summer Learning Journey

For this activity I had to take a photo on how I would be feeling. I would be feeling really curious.


  1. Hello Oh Hsen, when I did this activity I said that I felt confused because I might not know what other people are saying. Keep up the great work.

  2. Hey Oh Hsen
    When I did this summer learning journey task, I took a picture of myself looking scared because I would be surrounded by people who spoke a different language. Keep it up!

  3. Hi Oh Hsen,

    I think that you have captured your feelings really nicely in the photo that you took. It sounds like you and AJ will be experiencing many of the same emotions (i.e. confused) when you travel overseas.

    Daniel and I, on the other hand, both signalled that we might feel a bit scared about overseas travel.

    The wonderful thing about traveling is that it does get easier with time and, in my experience, there is always someone in the other country who is willing to help you find your way. Nice, friendly people can be found in all corners of the world :)

